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Dějiny věd a techniky, No. 2, Vol. XXXIX (2006)


73 • What Does the Revolutionary Spirit of the Scientific-Technical Development in 20th Century Consist in? • MIKULÁŠ TEICH
(V čem spočívá revolučnost vědecko-technického vývoje ve dvacátém století?)

Key words: scientific-technical development, 20th century, global history, society–science–technology


81 • Once More to the “Prized Task” of the Prague Learned Society in 1834 • LUBOŠ NOVÝ
(Ještě k cenné úloze pražské Učené společnosti k r. 1834)

Le prix proposé par la Société savante de Bohême pour l’année 1834
En 1833, la Société royale des sciences de Bohême a proposé un prix pour démontrér que les équations générales de degré n > 4 sont ou ne sont pas résolubles algébriquements (comp. page 81–82). Dans son article [31] Karel Rychlík a exprimé son opinion que dans ce temps-là, les membres de la Société n’avaient pas connu la démonstration d’Abel (1826). J. Berg [7 d] a considéré ses arguments comme persuasifs. A la base des études de documents historiques plus nombreux l’article prouve que les mathématiciens pragois savaient l’existence de la démonstration d’Abel et avaient la possibilité d’étudier ce texte. Mais toutes les circonstances de la proposition de ce prix ne sont pas encore éclairées.

99 • Water in the Old Czech Medicine and Lexicon • ALENA M. ČERNÁ
(Voda ve staročeském lékařství a ve staročeském lexiku)

A wealth of manuscripts on the medical subject water is deposited in the libraries and archives of the Czech Republic. They date back to the middle and the 2nd half of the 15th century; older texts are exceptional. The article refers to fragments of treatises on curative waters whose author is Master Havel from Strahov. The treatises are housed among the manuscripts of the National Museum Library under references XI A 27 and II F 2 (from the beginning of the 15th century) and in the manuscript ref. IV E 5 (15th century). The texts have not been published as yet; therefore they are printed in the article transcribed in the new Czech orthography.
The article deals with the curative powers of waters in the Middle Ages, as referred to in the old Czech medical manuscripts. The author is interested in the semantic structure of the term water in the old Czech language. The term has several special meanings (e.g., “urine,” “sap from plants,” “liquid arisen from the distillation process,” etc.). The article’s conclusion is devoted to the language of printed treatises and to the special characteristics of medieval manuscripts.

Key words: the medieval Czech medicine, 15th century, manuscripts, term water (waters)


111 • Architect of the So Called Darwinian Synthesis and the New History of Biology – Ornithologist, Philosopher and Historian Ernst Mayr (1904–2005) • THOMAS JUNKER – UWE HOSSFELD – TOMÁŠ HERMANN
(Architekt tzv. darwinistické syntézy a nových dějin biologie – ornitolog, filosof a historik Ernst Mayr (1904–2005))

Key words: Darwinian synthesis, new history of biology, Ernst Mayr (1904—2005)

117 • Electro-luminescent Diodes in the Czechoslovak Electronic Industry • JIŘÍ CETKOVSKÝ
(Elektroluminiscenční diody v čs. elektronickém průmyslu)

Key words: electro-luminiscent diodes, research, 2nd half of the 20th century, Czech Republic

121 • Edition Series “History of Mathematics” • EDUARD FUCHS – EMILIE TĚŠÍNSKÁ
(Edice „Dějiny matematiky“)

Key words: edition series “History of Mathematics”, 20th century, Czech Republic

© M. Barvík 2006